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| Encouraging the revival and expansion of Christian faith and traditional values by the written word.

Photo of a book with the title To Concerned Americans at Cross Stone Publishing

| Wisdom and Warning to Those Who Care for the Land of the Free

To Concerned Americans discusses the economic, political and Christian fundamentals that contribute to the success of our country, and how we strayed far from that foundation.

• The USA is the world's go to place for opportunity. What is the key to this attraction?
• What do you consider when you go to the voting booth? Learn why what you think you voted for is often the opposite of what you get.
• Do your public representatives understand how new jobs are created, or do they just make promises to spend more of your hard-earned money?
• What does the Cristian faith have to do with success of the economy?
• The strain of slavery and racial oppression disabled the hand of opportunity for some in our nation. How can reasoned evaluation of history and Christian fundamentals lead us to resolve disparities we see today?

These and other questions are answered in this personal journey of observation by an American concerned for the future of his country. This is an essential journey of learning for all concerned Americans. Answers you encounter on the way may not be what you expect.

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 What Readers Say


“I am writing to let you know I finished reading your book today. I thoroughly enjoyed it …  I am very much about “less government”, less social systems/more individual self sufficiency (teach a man to fish), treat others as you want them to treat you, tell the truth, and bring manufacturing back to America. I shudder and anger at the public display of inept decisions and waste by elected officials. No longer are they “servants of the people”. … I am humbled to read your perspective on the issues around us, your grasp of history, the research of issues and direct facts about what we are faced with as a nation. … I’ve purchased a few copies of your book that I am sharing with like like-minded friends. I plan to share more copies, your message needs to get out to more people.” Craig, CEO.

"John White has chronicled the triumphs and failures of our United States in a fallen and broken world. As John's father testified, since the fall of man into sin and death in the garden of Eden, Jesus Christ has been and will continue to be the only hope for the Redemption of mankind. The thoughtful and inspiring commentary throughout this book leads us to the conclusion that we are truly One Nation Under God."- Jeff, Registered Surveyor and Former City Commissioner.

"If you have ever asked yourself 'what happened to this great country?', read this book. I never thought about politics or government when I was younger, but being a 40-year-old with a wife, teenage son, and a toddler daughter, I care very much now about the future. This book helped me to understand what should make a great politician. As a side note: individuals running for office should be required to read books like this, so we don't continue to repeat the past."- Michael, Heavy Equipment Mechanic

About the Author

John White's wide-ranging background includes over 40 years in mining and construction. As well as positions in a variety of government, private, and Christian organizations. John lives in Albuquerque. New Mexico, with his wife Mabel, not far from three of their six children and five grandchildren.

John enjoys sharing his insights with others and welcomes invitations to speak. If you are interested in having John speak at your events, please submit this form. He will respond and try to accommodate invitations as his schedule may allow.

Photo of the author of the book To Concerned Americans at Cross Stone Publishing
Photo of a book with open pages at Cross Stone Publishing

A Glimpse Inside

Chapter 1: The Soul of a Nation
Chapter 2: A Lack of Understanding
Chapter 3: Recession in Historical Perspective
Chapter 4: The Key to the Success of the
United Stated of America
Chapter 5: A Nation of Sheep


 Articles & Resources

Congress vs the Economy

Congress vs the Economy – 2024 update of the federal debt chart from To Concerned Americans

Nearing the Precipice: Thoughts and Concerns

A Christmas Devotion 12/20/2022

Dismantle the Political Divide

Discussion of the deep division in our nation, how political parties create division, and ways to reduce the negative effects of parties

What Makes for Peace? - Jesus' warning on the first Palm Sunday and what it means for us today

What Makes for Peace - Jesus' warning on his entrance into Jerusalem and what it means for us today

Forgiveness in Our Divided World

A Message Given to United Methodist Men in Albuquerque on August 13, 2023

Election Abortion Distortion

Commentary on the Democrat party's Use of Abortion to Attack Republican Candidates

Symbolism and Stories on the Cover of "To Concerned Americans"

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Mr. White appreciates comments and constructive criticism about his writing. If you would like to share your thoughts with him regarding his book, please use this form. Thank you for taking the time to provide your input. God's grace and peace be with you.



"Quote from book here"