“When Jesus talked about the house divided not being able to stand, he was talking about our souls. When we turn our fellow citizens into enemies, we are consciously following a course that compromises and sacrifices the very soul of our nation. The last time this happened over ten percent of men of fighting age in our nation lost their lives on Civil War battlefields. Today the world is too small and dangerous for us to survive another such division. Today the very soul of our nation is at stake. The society that forfeits its soul is doomed to destruction.” (To Concerned Americans, page 10)"
“This book is meant to be some of my “God story.” It is not a biography that recounts all the details of my personal life up to now. There have been many events in my life, and I will not try to recount them all. Even the Gospels, as important as Jesus was to those early writers of the New Testament, do not record the entire life of Jesus. They focused only on the events and teachings of Jesus that they saw significant to explain God's story. I provide this humble offering of stories from my life in the hope that this will serve to help you be touched in some special way by the Spirit of God. I pray that you may discover and experience the love, joy and peace of God through Jesus Christ. I also hope that this may inspire you to recognize God’s hand in your life, and share those experiences in a way to help lead others into relationship with God.”