“Americans have been characterized by their independent individualistic thought. Those holding political office were not there to hand out privileges or patronage, but to serve the public’s best interests through sound fiscal management and well-reasoned and necessary legislation, passed within the narrow confines of the Constitution.” (To Concerned Americans, page 33)
My Personal Testimony. A dynamic presentation of the events both overwhelming and subtle from John's life that led to a convincing of his heart in the reality of the resurrection and a dedicated faith in Jesus Christ.
Healing the Divide: A Christian response to our divided world. Biblical scriptures, and personal and real world examples of how God has healed, and can heal again, the divides we experience in our world from a single family, to a church congregation, or even to an entire nation.
Appropriate Response. Too often decisions by governing bodies including Congress and state legislatures, as well as executives including the President, are guided by political rhetoric and special one-sided opinions rather than by fundamental principles, fiscal prudence, and adequate reasoned debate that can bring to light to best of possible courses of action. Rather than bringing people closer together, our modern technological society has amplified the disconnects and divisions among us. This effects how we respond to every controversy and crisis including the economy, government spending, racial disparities, crime, immigration, climate concerns, pandemics, etc. John White provides appropriate responses for the problems we face guided by a Christian perspective and reasoned principles.
Invite John to participate in a Q & A session discussing topics from his books.